Oh! Both the When a New Trick Comes Out, I Do An Old One gamebook + The Most Unusual Cat in the Village illustrated novel have been freshly reprinted in very fancy new lilac-tinted A5 Hardback 3rd editions!
Mooch inquisitively towards yon MWC Giftshop and procure one or both of these tip-top Moontime tomes with tenacious hexpediency!
Oh! Horses in Our Blood (GEpH018LP) is now UP for ye DL/Streaming in full via that MWC Bandcamp page ~ CVëERS
Oh! Noted Computer-biased / Synth-adjacent popular IRL periodical ELECTRONIC SOUND magazine (issue 122) features a fun-packed glossy-hued + informative 4 page FRESsSHH interview with MWC!
Divert ALL available resources towards your local high-street newsagent + adroitly procure a copy of this future heirloom with ample promptitude.
Alternatively you can hoof towards ES online HERE for a deft postal purchase! CVëERS!
Numerous MWC operatives would like to wish any sentient entities currently operating within this quadrant an exceedingly effective New Year and all the very best for AD 1986, 2025, 2031, 2042, 2053, 2059, 2070, 2081, 2087, 2098, 2110 and 2121
Premier online Northern English music merchants NORMAN RECORDS are now stocking both HORSES IN OUR BLOOD (GEpH018LP) and CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM (GEpH017CD) ~ exceedingly civil of them!
CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM (GEpH017CD) is now UP for DL / 2CD via that MWC BANDCAMP page! In an unprecedented and previously undocumented coincidence ‘tis also BLANDCRAMP FRIDAY ~ ye gads & stap me vitals etc.
Delightfully there was also a surprise CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM review within the physical pages of ELECTRONIC SOUND magazine (issue 119) ~ exceedingly civil of them!
You can eyeglance the (HEAVILY REDACTED) wordage below or even pickup (and purchase) a copy of this esteemed periodical from a friendly highstreet newsagents before carefully extracting with pinking shears & pasting into your household MWC scrapbook ~
As late autumnal sunlight burns through a languid fogbank haze to slyly paint subliminal shadow messages upon frozen outhouse walls and the distant clip-cloppery canter of an approaching phantom mare echoes unnervingly along the only traversable lopsided path-trail out of (ghost) town, these transparently florid neo-seasonal portents signify only ONE thing ~ a new MWC offering HORSES IN OUR BLOOD (GEpH018LP) hath punctiliously manifest!
Hallucinating freely upon the dried-up riverbed trail, HORSES IN OUR BLOOD ecstatically replicates the ephemeral, ungraspable, wispy flickering spirit voices heard upon faraway windswept moors whilst being psychically anchored to the earthy, hoof-gnarled remnants of an inescapable zone dusted with dead leaves and disintegrating houses.
As time simultaneously rushes past and fades away, it always seems like midnight. Reanimated inhabitants emerge from a distorting mirror-world of painted sunsets, quarries and ponds while the canvas underpinning reality gets snagged upon a rusty nail and begins to slowly unravel.
To compliment this Equine Possessed Blue Shadow audio, a cadaverous artistic visual style was coaxed & conjured via ye arcane medium of paintbrush and ancestral attic-infused cobwebby crumbling colour blocks of 20th Century pigment.
Accompanying the HORSES IN OUR BLOOD vinyl LP in t’MWC GIFTSHOP are some delightfully delirious MWC seasonal favourites ~
CELEBRATE that fabled MWC 2CD Nomadology Meisterwerk + effectively reformat corrupted wallspace reality with the MWC 2025 A3 CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM CALENDAR
Stylishly enrapture and categorically befuddle misremembered childhood acquaintances + beloved ancestral spirit-houseguests with a choice offering from ye 2024 MWC MAXIMüSS HEXMüSS A5 SEASONAL CARD SELECTION
And subtly elbow some elevated & contentious demands into the deviant mind-sphere with the simply hexceptional MWC OPAQUE SLOGANEERING STICKER SELECTION
PRE-OBTAIN some / all of these festering delights via that MWC Giftshop AREET NOW for ye traditional 33/11/24 (December 3rd) release(d) day!
Oh! It’s officially 33/08/86//30/08/24 ~ CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM (GEpH017CD) release(d) date! Many FANX indeed to all those who kindly pre-ordered this most un-seasonal yet exceedingly swanky MWC offering. You can, ov course, continue to procure thy tip-top 2xCD set via t’Giftshop TA
And speaking of that Giftshop, we are currently hexperiencing a COLD SUMMER SALE ~ numerous items from the MWC b(l)ack cat tea-trolley are available at exceedingly reasonable prices! CVEEERS
Are you ready? A Cold Summer surprise new MWC 2CD set ~ CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM (GEpH017CD) has unseasonably surfaced from within the dreamy, micro-processed simulacra future-arcane recesses of thee Blank Workshop and is in stock AREEET NOW + available to pre-order from that MWC Giftshop for a 33/08/86//30/08/24 release(d) date!
CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM (GEpH017CD) features TWO HOURS of HEXEPTIONAL MWC Musick(e) both freshly conjured + deftly hextracted from long-form musical experimentations undertaken to accompany the recently fabled CAT LOCATION LP trilogy.
Rather than predictably collate the existing LP tracks into a standard compilation, the CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM features 12 refreshingly chic NEW compositions featuring some of the damn-finest MWC musick yet composed / composted! Some tunes almost made it into CAT LOCATION vinyl inclusion but were ultimately deemed thematically / locationally unsuitable / unstable, whilst others were lovingly spliced together from a gargantuan scrapvault of recycled MWC musickal detritus over the course of 10 years. PLUS there are some totally minty FRESSSHHHH 1924 / 2024 cronky-funk ectoplasmic jams to gleefully consume!
The overall ghostly-chic CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM atmosphere is of enchanting, malleable, elongated, woozy, dreame-drift musick(e) underpinned by MWC trademarked dilapidated Moth Damaged Beats™ & wavering grainy loops often at their most delightfully precarious, served up with ample helpings of customary corrupted Vox + an exquisite side-order of kaleidoscopically enveloping quagmire electronics.
Simultaneously operating on the cusp of a lurid, technicolor ambient hinterland whilst fully submerged within a soporific quagmire Slip-Hop interzone, CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM sees MWC progress even further OWT THERE on their jolly jack jones ~ exploring narrative sonics without a fully-functional genre safety harness whilst subliminally tethered upon a decaying waveform of stylish accessibility. All deployed with unique, slyly mischievous Ghost Party Delirium.
The myriad sounds of CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM evoke Edwardian seaside shoegaze reveries c1986, woodland-based Stendhal Syndrome scenarios, Mock Tudor Monorail excursions around Britain in miniature, a Jazz Noir nightclub hip interplanetary Happening, deconsecrated charity shop stockroom arcane rituals and the exquisite bliss of necrotic tissue damage within feverishly ostentatious locations.
MWC ~ We haven’t forgotten how Musicke should taste.
PLUS accompaying the CAT LOCATION CONUNDRUM is the all new + exceedingly swanky MWC GECOPHONIC AUDIO SYSTEMS TOTEBAG
Using state-of-the-art advanced computer system techniques, this highly realistic 3D surface reproduction authentically replicates a unique audio landscape generated by the UK’s leading practitioners of 99% Temporal Aberration stability ~ GECOPHONIC AUDIO SYSTEMS.
Be the talk of the (freshly simulated) town with the GECOPHONIC AUDIO SYSTEMS TOTEBAG ~ you’ll be critically lacking stylistic + structural integrity without one.
Available to PRE-OBTAIN en solo or as a tip-top CAT LOC TOTE BUNDLE from that MWC Giftshop AREET NOW
Oh! SEPIA CAT CITY (GEpH017LP) and WOODBINES & SPIDERS (GASP!02LP) are now both available to DL/Stream via thee MWC BANDCAMP ~ Cveers!
Esteemed author, Big Cheese & thoroughly good egg Simon Reynolds (Retromania / Energy Flash etc) V kindly recently Blissblogged Up about SEPIA CAT CITY ~ Simon was splendid enough to enquire about MWC SCC creative background gestation practices + judiciously edited the resulting über-verbiage into eminently digestible chunks which you can consume with a comestible of choice areet HERE TA
As uneven footpaths of sullen passageways slowly corrode with continual sluice gate overflow and the submerged, whispered-giggling chatter of subterranean phantoms reverberates from labyrinthine hollowed-out spaces beneath cracked trip-hazard paving stones, a new MWC LP has fortuitously toppled open an antique mouldy manhole cover and deliriously emerged into the feted Autumnal half-light ~ SEPIA CAT CITY (GEpH017LP) hath duly manifest!
This all-new MWC offering is the ill-logical conclusion to the highly celebrated and critically eluded CAT LOCATION LP TRILOGY that began with The Most Unusual Cat in the Village, continued with The Only Cat Left in Town and now presents a magnificently dilapidated denouement with SEPIA CAT CITY
If the village is deserted and town has been abandoned, then surely everyone has moved to the big smoke? But SEPIA CAT CITY is a place seemingly drained of vital nutrients, where architectural styles overleap and overlap, infrastructures crumble, concreted underground markets team with monochromatic-kaleidoscopic memory pattens and unruly yet stylish ghost youth gangs such as the MOSTLY ALMOST SEPIA SOCIETY gather around closing-down department stores and glass corridors over the motorway to jeer mockingly ~ GET ON THE TELLY
Accompanying the SEPIA CAT CITY vinyl LP are a festering plethora of fantastically-acceptable MWC offerings!
The MWC SEPIA CAT CITY 2024 Calendar ~ dispense with boring, predictable cash-in calendar yawn-year antics and immediately procure this exceptional A3 chronology MWC style artefact!
Meet the MASS Ghost Gang and memorise the new DEFINITIVE re-named months of the year, allowing you to pour scorn upon the well-past-it crumblies simply not in the kno!
For the discerning phantom-alternative fashionista there’s only one ghost boutique to procure stylish Occult Haute Couture clobber from ~ HAYWIRE
Situated slap-bang in the centre of SEPIA CAT CITY’s seemingly inaccessible underground market, HAYWIRE has been supplying the spectral modish-nihilist with fancy gear since 1878, and now YOU have the opportunity to procure thee new MWC HAYWIRE BOUTIQUE T-Shirt featuring MASS leader Dez Ekky and thus fulfil your true destiny as a swaggering advertisement for achingly-hip undead pan-dimensional retail opportunities. While Stocks last!
No MASS member would dare to show their transparent phantom-face without the prerequisite SEPIA CAT CITY slogan badge!
Bemuse / enrage / antagonise befuddled relations and impatient employers with these 5 top-notch 38mm badges! Non-refundable and possibly unsuitable for the majority of all social occasions.
In 2019 the first issue of CATMASK magazine did manifest to the glee, delight and mass appreciation of those astute entities hankering for a fancy collection of arcane MWC ephemera.
Long-since SOLD OWT, CATMASK issue #01 showcased MWC material from the original Blank Workshop website c2006-07 alongside foundational MWC thought-forms which mischievously crept all the way back to the misty half-remembered distant-land fantasy dreame-age of 2002.
Now over 5 years later, MWC are delighted to announce the long-anticipated manifestation of CATMASK issue #02 ~ a further fancy 48 pages jam-packed with esoteric MWC peculiarities and deftly enigmatic archive Blank Workshop retrievals that detail the bewildering background and mystic-quagmire formation of pioneering CONFUSING ENGLISH ELECTRONIC MUSIC classix Shoes Off and Chairs Away (2008) and Striped Paint For the Last Post (2009) along with hefty helpings from the ONLY mystic temporally-detached Northern moor town location of ANY notable connoisseur significance ~ CLINKSKELL
Featuring sensitively souped-up artwork, further antique OG Blank Workshop website imagery and numerous previously unseen surreptitious selections, CATMASK issue #02 is unequivocally a musty MUST ‘AVE for those with even the merest sliver of MWC mesmeric-interest and/or curiosity regarding the giddy gestation of this most clandestine-delirious influential secret subtle universe.
PLUS to helpfully alleviate hefty hand-me-down demand status, CATMASK #01 has duly received a complete 2023 charming re-print, featuring OG material painstakingly reformatted to align with current printing specifications + occasional swanky image re-jigging where deemed significantly appropriate!
Catch estranged relations and half-remembered semi-acquaintances completely unprepared with a choice offering from the 1923/2023 MWC XMUS HEXMUSS SEASONAL CARD SELECTION ~
6 NEW Eerie Greetment cards featuring a further frosty array of delightful, glamorous, totally-deranged MWC associated entities from the past, present & future ~ all with an unsuitably seasonal theme.
A6 (105x148mm) size on hefty 340gsm sustainable paper stock with a smoooooth satin finish, reverse MWC logo PLUS festive distinctly MWC missive permanently transfixed to yon innards ~ thus deftly alleviating that endlessly enervating and most taxing message making decision.
Medieval Ice Cream is now being scooped up digitally via that MWC Bandcamp page! PLUS ~
A delightful 2nd edition of thee fabled MEDIEVAL ICE CREAM art prints have now temporally reconstituted into the giftshop for a potential procurement!
A new free-to-view Substack devoted to weekly utterances about & upon Weird Fiction entitled The Bonnacon has kindly asked MWC a few questions regarding Weird influence, the appeal of the Edwardian, antique internet radio show Weird Tales For Winter, and that intangible MWC supernatural Feline aesthetic.
Scroll down, brew up & spring erratically HERE to read some detailed MWC responses & view accompanying illustrations + a photographic selection of foxed paperbacks.
It was a very dreamy party.
A fancy NEO-MEDIEVAL MIX is now UP yonder on thee MWC ancient Mixcloud page! Over an hour of neo-medieval synth (hidden) gems hexpertly PHASED together with a delirious maelstrom of VOX sample peculiarities for ye aural delectation!
As curling tendrils of curdled lemon-fog slowly entwine the un-lit town footpaths, and a claggy blanketing of musty ochre rusty-iron leaves clog successfully all dank ginnel drainage ditches ~ a NEW MWC vinyl offering has undertaken a perilous journey of unfathomable mysticism to present itself in front of ye. Aye! MEDIEVAL ICE CREAM (GEpH016LP) hath now manifested!
SCOOPED UP from an ancient, secret land-tub of accursed chiller-cabinet confectionery where Dogfoot Mystics prophesize in riddles, Horse-headed Abbots whinny indecipherable quest directions, supernatural knights are conjured up from stained-glass windows to guard unstable walkways and an undead dynasty of capricious spirit-monarchs feverously plot and counter-plot rival coronations.
MEDIEVAL ICE CREAM (GEpH016LP) is mayhap, almost-uncertainly, the utmost mystical-mischievous psychedelic musicke to be yet coaxed out of the MWC thus-far!
Lutgard of Clinkskell safeguards her copy.
Available to pre-order in thee MWC Giftshop areet NOW for a 33rd November 641AD / 2nd December 2022 release(d) date!
Initial orders will also contain one of 7 randomly selected MEDIEVAL ICE CREAM A4 ART PRINTS ~ which hallucinatory visage will YOU receive?
Accompanying MEDIEVAL ICE CREAM (GEpH016LP) are the following esoteric items of divine peculiarity ~
And the transcendent ODDNUSS doesn’t end there ~ PSYCHEDELIC SPIRIT SHOW (GEpH012LP) has been repressed!
Same musicke, all new artwork. Procure a copy of this NEO-PSYCHEDELIC classic at that MWC GIFTSHOP areet NOW
You can also purchase both MEDIEVAL ICE CREAM (GEpH016LP) + PSYCHEDELIC SPIRIT SHOW (GEpH012LP) together as a MEDI-PSYCH BUNDLE for a very reasonable price!
Rejoice! After protracted meanderings through a variety of festering quagmire dimensions, GHOST PARTY DELIRIUM (GEpH150CD) has now successfully and glamorously manifested into this ‘reality’!
And of course In time-honoured MWC confusing-tradition, the CD version of GHOST PARTY DELIRIUM naturally contains completely different musicke to that contained on t’GPD LP!
PLUS to further ye opportunities for complete MWC GPD immersion, GEpH150CD is also a double CD containing 22 tracks of long-form deliriously delightful elongated MWC electronic magickal musicke ~
DISC A takes the murky template of late 80s (1980s) 12” extended mixes and judiciously applies it to coax out the warped-momentum of a midnight party excursion to the last Phantom Roller Disco in town! There’s simply no mistaking this kind of Psychotropic head-disassembling endless-ghostly groove-propulsion Musicke ~ it could only be GHOST PARTY DELIRIUM
DISC B delves deeply into the labyrinthine MWC vaults to deftly dust-up an unusually FANCY exhumation of altered / extended / unearthed B(l)ack Cat Classix! Familiar favs are unwholesomely reupholstered and slyly interspersed with cloaked compositions previously deemed too esoteric for twilight consumption ~ for double real!
WITNESS over 2 HOURS of prime MWC ODDNUSS MUSICKE all housed inside an exceptionally swanky bespoke reverse-board OVERSIZE 6-panel Digifile, featuring two CDs that really are a fabulous (unearthly) party ~ pop either disc securely into your high fidelity system and you’ll incessantly swear ‘people’ are actually there, laughing and singing along! With this sensational collection you can submerge your home with the eerie-delirious sound of GHOST PARTY DELIRIUM for years and years and years and years to come.
Also accompanying GHOST PARTY DELIRIUM (GEpH150CD) is the resolutely tip-top MWC GPD BADGE PACK SELECTION ~ 4 x 38mm metal badges with steel pin backs + card backing featuring esoteric VHS extracted MWC logo / Hexagram / sloganeering! Available to procure en solo or together with t’GPD CD for a thoroughly reasonable price while those stocks do last!
Amble with deft poise toward t’MWC GIFTSHOP and pre-order for a 28/01/22 release(d) date areet NOW as that FANCY takes ye.
Oh! As 2021 blearily stumbles to a freezing rain-soaked close, a very special LP has exuberantly emerged from within arcane confines to celebrate the 15th / 150th anniversary of MWC ~ GHOST PARTY DELIRIUM (GEpH150LP) hath succesfully manifest!
Obviously to not mark this glittering anniversary occasion would have been a travesty upon reality, so GHOST PARTY DELIRIUM is magnificently overflowing with MAXIMUM MWC ODDNUSS ~
Favourite melting moments from t’extensive MWC b(l)ack cat have been deftly / subliminally re-combined and rearranged with freshly-composed all NEW neo-psychedelic-electronic Edwardian Computer Game Musicke of the highest-grade oddnuss-order to effectively contain + provide perhaps the ultimate MWC HEXPERIENCE yet committed!
If you’ve ever witnessed a curious Timeslip Invitation, received mysterious instructions whilst in a dreame, arrived very late for a party, revisited a long-lost eerie footpath, found yourself trapped within a labyrinthine Edwardian deranged immersive theatre performance and / or met your 1830s mirror-image ~ then GHOST PARTY DELIRIUM (GEpH015LP) is an exceptional instant procurement vital necessity!
GEpH150CD? Where are you? Not actual cover?
Unfortunately, temporal anniversary LP celebrations have been so effective that an accompanying GHOST PARTY DELIRIUM CD (GEpH015CD) of completely different MWC material has been trapped within a vortex due to bungling time scoop operations.
Temporal Mechanics have been deployed, but the current status is that the CD has GONE NEBULOUS with an estimated materialisation date of January 1871 / 2022 / 2071 ~ further updates will be provided as soon as they have been successfully deciphered. Mayhap sign up for the MWC MAILING LIST if you have not already done so.
Speaking of temporal aberrations, the A3 size MWC 2022 SPECTRAL MONTHS calendar has fortuitously manifested!
Utilising 100+ hours of extreme VHS-wrangling, the annual MWC favourite this year features luridly-intense videotaped imagery adeptly coaxed + captured from festering cassettes to professionally provide Vivid Psychotropic Corruption for any suitably psychically-stable château / compound dwelling wall-space!
A very special MWC anniversary inexorably demands a very special item of Occult Haute Couture ~ the MWC GHOST PARTY DELIRIUM (OHC008TS) T-Shirt ~
Featuring hexpertly-mangled phantasm text intricately derived from VHS-jammed tapes, the MWC GHOST PARTY DELIRIUM T-Shirt makes a boldly-melted yet divinely stylish statement on Heavy Black Gildan with two-colour feverish overlay! Also features a distinctive + fancy deep orange MWC sleeve-print logo.
And t’MWC merchandise avalanche doesn’t subside there! Indelibly surprise-perplex friends, fiends, family, familiars, opulent ancestors and long-forgotten partial acquaintances with the tip-top A6 size MWC MAXIMUM GREETMENT PACK ~ 5 x Greetings cards + 5 x Postcards with bonus MWC sticker!
And finally, a fresssh MWC TOTE BAG hath duly manifested ~ and it’s ALMOST MEDIEVAL
All of these clearly essential items are in stock NOW and PRE-ORDERING for a 17/12/21 release date at the giftshop ~ if that FANCY does intriguingly take thee!
UPDATE : Kickstarter successfully funded!
Oh! In splendidly unexpected news, MWC have very kindly been asked to provide the ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK musicke for SITRA ACHRA ~ an Indie US horror movie about a cursed Commodore 64 videogame that vanished in 1985!
The project is currently being funded via Kickstarter where you can watch the pitch video, absorb delightful background information and mayhap back the campaign should / when an overwhelming impulse of intrigue take(s) ye!
There are MWC OST DL / Vinyl purchase options available, with an objective to have the OST also available separately after funding has been met. But no movie = no soundtrack, so any digital doubloons that can be generously hoofed the Kickstarter way would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
Oh! THE ONLY CAT LEFT IN TOWN (GEpH015LP) is now merrily UP for the DL on t’MWC BANDCAMP page ~ amble nimbly over HERE to deftly procure a digital copy of this idiosyncratic psychedelic BAROQUE SLUDGE classic should that fancy take ye!
Splendid news for those bereft of eerie lilac-purple wall-art illustrations! An oft-requested NEW set of 4 delightful A2 (42 x 59.4cm) 170gsm Silk Matt Laminated MWC FANCY FLYPOSTERS has arrived in the giftshop!
Each Fancy Flyposter has been meticulously reconstructed from original arcane MWC artwork components and professionally captures CLASSIX b(l)ack-cat illustrative peculiarities ~
Today Bread, Tomorrow Secrets
Osram Brown on Platform Zero
Eerie Theatre from Coven Cosmetics
Exit Pantomime Control
and are surely destined to become a resplendent-curio wall-space conversing point for numerous aeons to come!
IN CONSEQUENCE ~ scamper jubilantly toward the giftshop displaying adequate lanquidity as the MWC Fancy Flyposter Fancy takes ye TA
Super Sense ~ A new promo video for The Only Cat Left in Town (GEpH015LP) has materialised! Featuring Empty Door in the Eye of the Sun ~ indisputably the finest Incantation Stylish Ritual Sunken Techno musicke of 1770 / 2021 + ideal for all green-grey mist shrouded deserted town (dead) centre centre ambling situations.
'...marshy but not completely gaseous... stumbling beats that never quite establish a gait... the dilapidated beat-structure wraithed around with after-images and palimpsests' ~ Simon Reynolds has very kindly emblogged-up about THE ONLY CAT LEFT IN TOWN on his acclaimed blissblog!
Featuring some incisive appraisal & partially illuminating MWC conceptual background wordage, deft Homburg tipping is most certainly in order.
Unbelievable news! The May 33rd celebrations ‘this’ year were so overwhelmingly exemplary in their reverential-gala-psychokinetic votive offerings that a NEW outer-seasonal MWC LP has successfully agitated the aether to summon forth / duly / Julie manifest!
THE ONLY CAT LEFT IN TOWN (GEpH015LP) is available to pre-order from the giftshop areeet NOW for a 11/06/21 release(d) date!
Quite possibly the sister album to The Most Unusual Cat in the Village (GEpH014LP) THE ONLY CAT LEFT IN TOWN features 4 long-form multi-temporal compositions that elongate accepted components into a psychedelic baroque gothic sludge-rock sunken-techno rolling ebb tide of eternal grey-green mist.
If you’ve ever attempted to summon up an immaculate ancestor to facilitate a phantom baroque catwalk in the dead centre of town whilst malevolent entities gaze on from the other side of the mirror, then THE ONLY CAT LEFT IN TOWN is unquestionably the album for YE
Initial orders also feature a limited + fancy extended A5 instructional art card to help expedite future / past ritual techniques! One of four random designs will be selected ~ which / where / what / who / with / when / will YOU get-become?
But that is not all ~ the MWC MATERIALISATIONSPHÄNOMENE T-Shirt (OHC007TS) hath also manifest!
Featuring exceptional duel dimension simultaneous image artwork, this oversize-print Heavy Gildan delightfully stylish item of SUPERB OCCULT HAUTE COUTURE WARDROBE is simply ideal for all Seance Time midnight / midday endeavours.
IMPORTANT POINT ~ Due to strict 1888 Canine Deity incantation requirments, the LARGE size is ONLY available in Russet brown, while the SMALL, MEDIUM and XL are ONLY on Midnight Teal. Forsooth!
However both versions feature a distinctive neon green MWC sleeve-print LOGO ~ Your mark of esoteric quality and refinement since 1596/1898/2006.
Therefore scamper swiftly to the giftshop and deftly pre-order-procure both / either / neither THE ONLY CAT LEFT IN TOWN + t’MWC MATERIALISATIONSPHÄNOMENE T-Shirt for a 11/06/21 release(d) day ~ while stocks / sanity last!
Oh! After 9 years active service, the CD edition of Today Bread, Tomorrow Secrets (GEpH006CD) has now deftly SOLD OWT in a flamboyant feather-fluttering manner! Many thanks indeed to ewebody who kindly made a considered procurement of this most enchantingly perfumed periwig. A digital recording does, ov course, continue to dwell majestically at t’MWC Bandcamp page TA
Due to being a seasonal apparition, Jass of Thun has now fashionably dissipated. A re-manifestation in some form is forecast for late November 1801 / 2021.
Ay! Noted NYC / New Jersey Independent radio station WFMU kindly requested and then actually played the MOST UNUSUAL HOUR mix on t'splendid Jesse Dorris POLYGLOT show!
This all new MWC IN THE MIX (mix) features multiple electronic favourites, ample supplies of filmic + telly peculiarities, a Time Attendant HEXCLUSIVE plus a barely submerged thematic thread (loosely) tying it all together. You know ~ the usual goodly STUFF
Many thanks to Jesse for asking!
Esteemed author Simon Reynolds has very kindly emblogged up about the new MWC ODDNUSS on his Blissblog! Simon sez some exceedingly civil things and there's also long-form MWC background wordage about LP sound procedures and narrative thematics.
Oh! Copies of THE MOST UNUSUAL CAT IN THE VILLAGE (GEpH014LP) and JASS of THUN (GEpH01445) are now available (with extended audio clips) from prefurrred local(ish) online Muzak emporium Boomkat!
Oh! The rumours (?) are TRUTH! A veritable plethora of NEW MWC offerings have freshly manifested to accompany the least-appealing year of the 21st century thus far!
The Most Unusual Cat in the Village (GEpH014LP) features 4 long-form compositions that elongate beat-loopery into a fragmented-demented dreame-language, coax easy-listening ultra-paste possessed possession collages into hallucinatory dreamscape wanderings, fuse phantom-light exotic artistic endeavours into a beyond the grave reverie and Collapse sunken-dreame-ship winebar musicke into a multi-temporal reality incantation escape wave-loop ritual.
After many moons of contemplation, it was decreed that 2020 was simply the ideal year to finally unleash a MWC HEX-MAZ single!
JASS OF THUN is a jaunty-step classic MWC ritualistic concoction that deftly conjures alpine-deity seasonal activities with a spicy abundance of irresistibly-curdled melodic offerings and off-piste aural manifestations! AWARD THYSELF and (possible) future generations this FESTIVE TREAT / FESTERING THREAT
Oh! For those seeking the ultimate in Most Unusual immersion, Moontime books have finally manifested into this ‘reality’ to publish The Most Unusual Cat in the Village Illustrated Novel!
This delightful matt laminated A5 Hardbound book features 92 pages of full colour 200gsm MWC photo-collage-illustration with an unusual, dreamlike narrative-wandering text that could quite possibly eerily echo the claustrophobic implausibility of 1596 / 1898 / 2020.
Professionally manufactured and ring-bound, this full colour A3 170gsm silk calendar will provide a hypnotic, unearthly focal-point for blank space reinvigoration and illuminate even the most subdued Billiard Room support-wall / executive crypt.
PRE-ORDER all / some / one / none of these MWC items in a variety of options for a 33/11/1801/2020 (04/12/20) release date from the giftshop areet now if FANCY does intriguingly take you!
Ay! Fancy VHS-jammed new video for The Last Arcadian (Process Mix) has UPPED itself on t’MWC Youtube page ~
Audio extracted from TABITHA REVERB (GEpH014DLX)
To celebrate the 10/100/10000th YEAR anniversary of A Spare Tabby at the Cat’s Wedding (GEpH004CD/LP) MWC have bartered some of their fancy enchantment tokens and conjured up unearthly-supernormal-supernatural entity TABITHA REVERB to provide a delightfully magickal digital TABBY REMIX EXCURSION entitled.... TABITHA REVERB
9 long-form elaborate arcane-funk dancefloor oddly-hued permeations to entrance and en-groove even the weariest wily-audio explorers.
The tunes on TABITHA REVERB have been coaxed together using original MWC archive material from ASTATCW (and beyond) to include extended overhauls, exhumation of abandoned tracks, intricate reinterpretations and deftly-sinister manifestations of musickal intentions originally unfulfilled.
You can find it HEXCLUSIVELY on the MWC Bandcamp page areet now.
Somewhere A Fox is Getting Married (VULPINE REDUX EDITION) (GEpH005LPX) has DULY MANIFESTED on the MWC Bandcamp page ~
The 24 track download-only VULPINE REDUX edition of this oft Download-requested 2011 Royal Wedding souvenir special contains the original album plus 12 bonus tracks of alternate takes / extended versions / tangentially related & quirky MWC audio peripherals.
Making it a more palatable proposal for anyone who may have already kindly obtained a version, the additional tracks total 47 minutes in length, were composed 2006-2011 and have been lovingly exhumed & freshly mastered for 1919/2019.