Leporine Pleasure Gardens

Leporine Pleasure Gardens (GEpH008CD) 2014

Leporine Pleasure Gardens (GEpH008CD) 2014

LEPORINE PLEASURE GARDENS envelopes you within a kaleidoscopic attraction of charming fancy and consummate variety. 22 tracks of splendid audio chicanery, often propelled by intricate rhythms and a newly devised complexity that precisely mirrors a half-remembered long-eared trance-speed world of warped dimensions and jugged kinetosis.

After delivering their most commercially accessible record yet, MOON WIRING CLUB have been identified as a global priority by parent company GECOPHONIC AUDIO SYSTEMS. Co-manager Jass O’Thun says, "The band are ready for a much bigger stage now and I think we can really grow the audience. It's the strongest record yet."

GAS senior vice president of global marketing Marcel Luculent-Tenebrous is confident about the album's potential. "The music is amazing," he says. "I believe we have a big record on our hands. Over the coming weeks we’ll be launching a solid pre-order campaign across all platforms and then increasing visibility with a reveal of a number of tracks. It’s important that we continue the messaging of the album beyond the music media ~ where incidentally it’s already receiving unanimous reaction ~ and into the everyday lives of those who don’t live in those areas".

The effectiveness of this marketing initiative can be witnessed in the reviews and comment reproduced by permission below ~

It seems like this year you can't move for mammalian-themed duel format concept albums based around Northern English clandestine garden attractions. I spent most of the spring having Ermine Gusto Grounds blasted at me from from every passing dandy carriage, my summertime sabbatical was successfully spoiled by the idiotic family in the neighbouring chalet and their insistence on playing Musteline Titillation Acreage every mealtime, and the less said about the inane frivolity of Talpine Zest Domain the better. It is therefore with barely controlled rage that Leporine Pleasure Gardens by the Moon Wiring Club will be getting the immediate discus treatment should it be unwisely foisted upon me.

~ Wardour Crouse, Truculent Thinker

The envelope arrived on my desk at precisely 11:42am. I used my pocket-knife to slice through acres of unnecessary packaging. Inside, I found promotional copies of a musical release. It was a concept album, apparently whimsical in nature. The artwork competent but not understandable. There was a press release that took the form of verbose nonsense. If I hadn't been paid it wouldn't have been played. As I listened my nose began to twitch uncontrollably. The music was a sneeze I couldn't shake. My secretary came into the office and started gyrating uncontrollably. She called it dancing. I called it asinine. She corrected me, it was Leporine. I knew what was happening but it was too late. Now I have to get out of the city fast. There's only one place I can go. I can't get that album out of my damned ears.

~ Dixon Lane, Ritz Noir Review

As I delicately eased around the bend of a delightful country lane, I began to feel that the Grontonium 3000 could well be the automotive for me. Beautifully constructed and with a top speed approaching 12mph, this stylish, economical coal-driven powerhouse is unquestionably the way forward for modern transport engineering. Many extras are fitted as standard, including a galvanised periscope, cold food storage cubicle and fully-automated gramophone. For a traveller such as myself, music has always been a desired companion, and I gratefully warmed up the valves of this hi-fidelity set from the steering column control-panel. As my driving position was conveniently situated eight feet above the passenger compartment, I was unable to make out exactly what the manufacturers had selected as an aural accompaniment. But when the Grontonium's nine speaker cabinets eventually belched into life at a bracing 180 decibels, I was immediately enchanted by what they had to offer. This was music that enriched the landscape and cultivated the soul. After what must have been several hours of repeated listening, I suddenly awoke as if from a deep stage-hypnosis. The Grontonium 3000 was a smoldering wreck, wrapped around an ancient oak tree in the middle of a cornfield. I was quite dazed and unable to move. A young lady wearing what appeared to be the uniform of a tour guide stood over me, blocking out the afternoon sun. Before I could speak she knelt down, deftly removing a card from my ticket-pocket. Tearing it in half, her eyes flashed mauve and she broke into an unsettling toothy smile.

~Quentin Pulford, Luscious Jalopy

Creating the right atmosphere for your distinguished clientele is something of an artform. An artform we must all aspire to. How many lucrative possibilities have slipped through our fingers, merely because a decanter was a feather-touch out of place or footstool inappropriately buffed? With the correct staff and their regimented training, such trifles can be completely irradiated. What is notoriously more difficult to achieve is the appropriate musical note. Whomever coined the phrase 'Silence is Golden' has not been employed in the covert service industries. Melody is of necessity, and it was therefore with a soupçon of serendipitous surprise that I discovered the pleasing effect of Leporine Pleasure Gardens, after promotional copies had been surreptitiously placed upon the Thursday afternoon silver telegram tray by an unseen associate. Upon commencement of play there was an instantaneous increase in careless whispering, indiscrete chitchat levels soared, and it became clear that Lord Quaffers recent demission from high office may not have been entirely unwarranted. Of course any newly implemented tool of this potency is not without it's teething troubles. Anthropomorphic distortions in a number of hallway portraits have been recorded. Several gravy-boats have had to be recalled as their inscriptions obscenely re-engrave themselves. Candle smoke continually begins to form into grotesque portraiture. The east wing of the house is slowly turning into a substance that resembles jellied syrup. My pelt has turned completely white during winter months and I continually leap sideways in order to disrupt my scent trail. But duty demands sacrifice.

~ Hawksley Brewster, Insane Obsequious Undercover Butler Monthly

We get hundreds of letters each week asking what to do with unwanted LP records and CDs. They're no longer of any functional use and when even the charity shops refuse to take them, what are you supposed to do? The answer is perfectly simple ~ melt them down into an attractive dinner service. When I recently received a promotional copy of Leporine Pleasing Gardens by Mood Warming Club I was perplexed ~ what on earth was I going to do with that? But after gently moulding the LP in the garage ~ Voila! A vegetable bowl, not only functional but a buffet talking point. It also seems to improve the flavour. As for the CD, with careful coaxing a nifty home for asparagus dip was made in minutes. Functional and fashionable. And yet…and yet… the taste… the extra taste they provide makes me feel like the room is all at sea… the view out of our office window has changed… slipping by… something is making me yearn for a destination I've never seen but remember well… the editor has marched into the room… holding up to my face a memo that says something about food preparation safety guidelines… I can't hear what she's saying though… the voices are all too slow and blurring… it's of no importance… I've never felt I could jump so high.

~ Judy Rowsell, House Dissolving Weekly

Ian Hodgson